To our community,
Just over 6 years ago, Chessable was built by chess players, for chess players; with a mission to accelerate learning, to spread the royal game, and to be a force for good in chess. That would not have been possible without your patronage & support.
For being a part of our wonderful community; for supporting the self-published authors on our platform; for allowing us to innovate, expand, and bring new players into chess, we thank you deeply. The accomplishments of Chessable belong to you.
2021 was a busy year for us. In addition to publishing 200 new courses (from the world’s best players), we launched the Chessable mobile app, launched Chessable in Spanish, and built out the largest chess video library in the world, to make your studying more fun and efficient.
Our commitment to the chess community does not end with Chessable. We have been active partners of non-profit programs such as ‘Chess in the Schools’ and ‘US Chess School’, in our endeavour to help more young people learn the joys of chess.
One of our proudest moments this year was when 12 year old Chessable user, Abhimanyu Mishra, became the youngest Grandmaster in the world. He’s a model example of how one can accelerate their learning with Chessable, and we are honored to have supported him on his journey.
This year we announced our partnership with FIDE, as their official learning partner. With them, we created the FIDE Chessable Academy: a talent-development program which gives children around the world access to training from top GM’s, inside our newly-built Chessable Classroom – the first-ever live-video chess classroom. It will soon be available for everyone to use, and we are excited about the new possibilities it brings.
Our number one commitment will always be to taking your chess to the next level. And in that spirit, we have so much coming for you in 2022: groundbreaking new features, new science, and impactful new courses, to put your chess-learning into overdrive. 2022 will be Chessable’s biggest year yet, and – with your help – will result in your biggest gains in chess yet!
This past year was not an easy one for all of us – largely due to the ongoing pandemic – but there is still much to be thankful for. So, we’d like to say from everyone at Chessable: thank you for being here with us. Good health to you, your family, and friends – and here’s to more good things in 2022!