Beginner Chess Opening Traps to Be on the Watch out for


Quick overview: Opening traps are moves that attempt to trick your opponent into a sense of safety but have an underlying threat. They can be highly effective if employed correctly or if your opponent is unaware of them. Some traps rely on dubious strategies and if your opponent does not fall for them can leave […]

Checkmates in Disreputable Openings

Checkmate Monday certainly comes around quickly. Why, it doesn’t seem 10,080 minutes since we posted about speedy checkmates in the opening. We stay in the opening phase of the game for today’s selection, to present four checkmates in disreputable openings. Blackburne Shilling Gambit 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Nd4 So named because Joseph Henry Blackburne used […]

Speedy Checkmates in the Opening

Here we are for Checkmate Monday once more and today we present a number of speedy checkmates in the opening. You may or may not encounter these exact checkmates in your own games, but remembering the basic patterns will undoubtedly be of use. Catastrophe in the Caro-Kann 1.e4 c6 The Caro-Kann Defense is normally very […]