Going Above & Beyond: Dr. Martin Kreuzer
“Chessable courses are living books.” We call them that because you only need a few clicks to update them, and ensure everyone has the “latest edition.” It’s especially handy in the opening — where novelties come up every week. But what about tactics courses? With the strength of today’s engines, once they’ve analyzed and provided […]
The 5 Most Popular Chessable Courses of All Time
With literally hundreds of courses now in the Chessable library, we couldn’t blame you if you were paralyzed by choice. And with so many courses, it’s tough for us even to make a recommendation at times! Of course, you could go by interest, finding a topic you’re curious to know more about – which, nowadays, […]
Chessable Announces the Winner of Create Your Own Course Contest Season 2
All submissions have been reviewed, and the winner has been chosen for Season 2 of Chessable’s Create Your Own Course Contest! The contest was a unique initiative that allowed users to submit their own courses on any chess topic they liked, for a chance at Chessable stardom and a grand prize. Our team of experts […]
Playing Attacking Chess with Judit Polgar
Some players think of attacking chess as something risky or random. On the contrary, attacking is an opportunity. As Judit says in the introduction to Master your Chess with Judit Polgar part 2: Attacking is a lot of fun! It’s easier than defending, and it puts pressure on our opponents. Opponents under pressure tend to […]
Tricky Pawn Endgames
Earlier this week we indulged in a little endgame magic. We now return to the final phase of the game to examine some tricky pawn endgames. The inspiration for today’s post comes from spending some time exploring – and enjoying – the Pawn Endgames Workbook by International Master Ahmad Alkhatib. The course examines numerous positions featuring pawns […]
Lifetime Repertoires: Queen’s Gambit Janowski Variation
Lifetime Repertoires: Queen’s Gambit Janowski Variation by Grandmaster Max Warmerdam is this week’s release in our flagship series of Chessable courses. This one offers a full and interesting repertoire for Black against 1.d4. The Janowski Variation is a name which may not immediately ring any bells. Indeed, it often goes unmentioned in works offering a 1.d4 […]
Harikrishna’s Endgame Magic
Let’s start the week with a little magic. Harikrishna’s Endgame Magic, to be precise. Grandmaster Harikrishna Pentala is already known to Chessable users thanks to his excellent opening courses: Lifetime Repertoires: Taimanov Sicilian and French Toast: How Harikrishna Fries 1…e6. This time, he is turning his attention from the first phase of the game to the last. […]
A Course Exploring Chess Tactics
Studying chess openings is all well and good, but there are many other aspects of chess which deserve your attention. This brings us very neatly to Exploring Chess Tactics, the brand new Chessable course by the enigmatic National Master mn79. Tactics, Tactics, Tactics… This course follows up National Master mn79’s first course on tactics. The introduction explains the mission […]
Lifetime Repertoires: Nimzo/Semi-Tarrasch
This week sees the release of Grandmaster Surya Shekhar Ganguly’s Lifetime Repertoires: Nimzo/Semi-Tarrasch- Part 1 Chessable course. Part 1 covers the Nimzo-Indian Defense and most of the 1.d4 deviations, such as the London System and the Trompowsky Attack. The second part of the course will examine the Semi-Tarrasch Defense and wrap up the remainder of the 1.d4 systems, […]
Chess Opening Basics: The Philidor Defense
What is the Philidor Defense? The Philidor Defense arises after the moves: 1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 d6 Black reacts to the threat against the e-pawn by defending it with another pawn. The Philidor Defense has a reputation of being solid but passive for Black. This is partly because Black’s dark squared bishop is locked in on […]
King’s Indian Checkmates
Malcolm Pein featured a game in the King’s Indian Defense in his column this morning, showing a typical race of attacks. We stay with the King’s Indian Defense for today’s instalment of Checkmate Monday. Our checkmates today bring victory to the lower-rated player in each of the four cases. They also see the famous King’s […]
John Nunn’s Chess Puzzle Book
Puzzle time! John Nunn’s Chess Puzzle Book was first published by Gambit Publications in 1999 and then as an expanded version a decade later. This week saw the release of a brand-new Chessable version, complete with the MoveTrainer™ facility. The first puzzle is how can it be that 1999 is already so long ago? The second question […]