You Can Trust the Queen’s Indian Defense

The Queen’s Indian Defense shares some of the strategies found in the Nimzo-Indian Defense and is an excellent choice to include in your repertoire, alongside the Nimzo-Indian opening. Several World Chess Champions have played the Queen’s Indian Defense. Among them are Euwe, Kasparov, Anand, Karpov, and Kramnik. The Queen’s Indian Defense is an excellent choice […]

The Austrian Defense: A Symmetrical System against the Queen’s Gambit

austrian defense

Quick Overview The Austrian Defense is a rare opening arising from the Queen’s Gambit in which Black plays a symmetrical system against White on the first two moves. Black is often fighting for equality, and the opening is seen as a draw weapon at the top level. If White plays 3.dxc5, Black has their best […]

Chess Openings or Endgames: Where to Start?

The answer to whether we study openings or endgames, like chess, is both simple and complex. Of course, if you misplay the opening, you might never make it to the middlegame, never mind the endgame. This fact makes learning openings important. Learning the endgames helps you decide on a strategy for the opening and middlegame. […]

Nimzo-Indian Defense: Play, Attack, and Counter as White & Black

The Nimzo-Indian Defense is one of the most respected defenses to 1.d4 and has been played by nearly every world champion and challenger for the past 100 years. The Nimzo-Indian Defense is named after Aaron Nimzowitsch, who introduced it to the chess world. The opening moves 1…Nf6 and 2…e6 force White to make a decision […]

Four Knights Game: Opening Guide for White & Black

The Four Knights Game dates back to the middle of the 19th Century and was a favored chess opening of Capablanca, Tarrasch, and other top players between the 1850s and 1930s. The Four Knights Opening comprises natural developing moves, making it an excellent chess opening for beginners. This is a sound chess opening because it […]

The Wing Gambit: Opening Guide for White & Black

Wing Gambit

Quick overview The Wing Gambit is an opening resulting from the move order 1.e4 c5 2.b4, in which White offers a pawn, either to develop the minor pieces rapidly or to establish central pawn control, as the c-pawn no longer guards the d4 square. Black generally accepts with 2…cxb4, and White usually follows up with […]

Playing the Grand Prix Attack Against the Sicilian

Combining aggression with positional play, the Grand Prix Attack provides white with a sound, dangerous system against the Sicilian Defense. The mainstay of White’s strategy is the kingside attack, often spearheaded with f5. Despite its simplicity, this attacking plan has proven extremely challenging for black to defend against, with many strong players unable to find […]

Orthoschnapp Gambit: Opening Guide for White and Black

FM Dennis Monokroussos described the Latvian Gambit as “possibly the worst opening in chess.” If he is correct, then the Orthoschnapp Gambit must surely come a close second. The Orthoschnapp Gambit is played against the French Defense. Yes, white gets some attacking chances by creating a queen and bishop battery aimed at f7, but this […]

Nakhmanson Gambit: Opening Guide for White and Black

So you stumbled across the Nakhmanson Gambit and are considering playing it in your next blitz game. That’s very brave of you. The Nakhmanson Gambit works exceptionally well if black gets greedy. Unfortunately, if black restrains himself, white is faced with attacking a solid position while a pawn down. This gambit has elements of all […]