Malcolm Pein on…Carlsen’s Path to the Final


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Malcolm Pein stays with the FTX Crypto Cup in today’s Daily Telegraph column as he covers Magnus Carlsen’s path to the final.

Malcolm Pein on…Carlsen’s Path to the Final

A smooth performance from Magnus Carlsen saw him safely through to the final of the FTX Crypto Cup on Chess24 where he was set to face Wesley So. Carlsen defeated Teimour Radjabov 3-1 in the second set of the semi-final.

In game one, Carlsen managed to press from an equal endgame position in a way that only he can. As the clocks ran down, Radjabov blundered with 44.Kc4-c5? (44.Kc4-c3 fights on).

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Carlsen's Path to the Final

Black to play and win

Radjabov had a chance to level the score in game three, but missed a win in a rook and pawn ending. Owen’s Defence, 1…b6, was an attempt to complicate as a win was needed on demand. Carlsen’s Ruy Lopez style response secures a position that resembles a Breyer Defence where White has extra tempi which he has used to play b2–b4 and a4–a5. Carlsen’s attacking plan was also employed in Spassky-Portisch, Candidates SF, Geneva 1977.

M. Carlsen – T. Radjabov
FTX Crypto Cup SF (4) 15+10

1.e4 b6 2.d4 Bb7 3.Bd3 e6 4.Nf3 d6 5.0–0 Nd7 6.a4 a6 7.Re1 Ngf6 8.Nbd2 Be7 9.Nf1 0–0 10.Ng3 e5 11.c3 Re8 12.Bd2 Bf8 13.b4! g6 14.Qc1 Bg7 15.a5 b5 16.Bh6 Bh8 17.d5 c5?! (A strategic error. With the queenside closed, White gets a free hand on the kingside.17…Rc8 or 17…c6 would liberate the light bishop and open the c-file) 18.h3 c4?! (18…cxb4 19.cxb4 Rc8) 19.Bc2 Nf8 20.Qd2 Bc8 21.Nh2! Bg7 22.Rf1 Bxh6 23.Qxh6 Kh8 24.Qd2 N6d7 25.f4 exf4 26.Rxf4 Ne5 27.Nf3 Nfd7 28.Rf1 Nxf3+ 29.R4xf3 Ne5 30.Rf6 Bf5 (30…Qe7)

M. Carlsen – T. Radjabov

31.exf5! Qxf6 32.fxg6 Qh4 33.Nf5 Qh5 34.g7+ Kg8 35.Nxd6 Red8 36.Nf5 f6 37.d6 Ra7 38.Qd5+ Rf7 39.Bd1! 1–0

M. Carlsen Beats T. Radjabov

The queen is almost trapped and is chased from h6 after 39…Qg5 40.h4 Qc1 41.Bh5.


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44…Na5! 0-1 45.Nd4 Rxd4! 46.Rxa2 Nb3+.

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