Chessable CEO David Kramaley invited to present at the London Chess Conference! Will you be there?


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Hello everyone,

I just wanted to add a note announcing that I have been invited to speak at the 4th London Chess Conference, covering the didactics of chess.

I will be running a workshop about “Cognitive insights into chess improvement”, talking about my unique and insightful Master’s dissertation that was awarded Distinction by Bristol University.

I’ll also be presenting Chessable as an online learning system, and lastly participating as part of a panel taking a critical look at some of the latest research published about chess and academic achievement.

The Conference takes place in London at the Hilton Olympia from the 10th to the 12th of December 2016. For more information and the full detailed conference programme, please visit the official website:

This is one of the largest conferences on Chess and Education in the world; there are close to 150 delegates! If you happen to be attending or are nearby, I’d love to hear from you.


London Chess Conference

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