Spring Clean Your Chess


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Spring Flowers
Photo by Marina Lakotka on Unsplash

‘The sun is shining where clouds have been
Maybe it’s something to do with Spring!’

Noël Coward, 1932

Time for the Big Spring Clean

It is time for the big Spring clean! I am sure there are plenty of people out there who would prefer to study chess rather than tend to the housework. Believe me, we are not here to scold you for not taking care of that type of Spring cleaning. Far from it; we are chess players too and we understand the situation perfectly. We promise not to tell anyone!

Our Spring Sale has just started, with you in mind!

Spring Clean Your Chess

No Better Time

Now is the time to:

  • Celebrate the very welcome return of Spring
  • Snap up a fabulous bargain
  • Recharge your chess with new openings and ideas
  • Spring clean your chess!

Refresh and Rejuvenate

Sometimes, a change is as good as a rest. If you Spring clean your chess you can reinvigorate your opening repertoire, refresh your tactics, reignite the power of your analysis and rejuvenate your endgame skill.

The world’s finest chess players all understand the importance of such regeneration.

For example, when Bobby Fischer battled his way through to the final of the 1972 World Championship, he surprised the world in general – and Boris Spassky, specifically – by switching from his habitual 1.e4 to 1.c4.

Spring Clean Your Chess
Fischer’s Big Surprise

This was a sensation and it the surprise value helped him win two White games in a row.

Head for the sale to see how you can Spring clean your own game. Best be quick, though; the daffodils will be around for longer than these special prices will be.

Spring certainly seems to have been a long time coming, but we agree with The Master when he says it gives…

‘A feeling I can’t express
A sort of lilt in the air
A lyrical loveliness
Seems everywhere…’

Now, if you will excuse me, I have just been told I have to attend to the housework…

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