A huge milestone for Chessable: MoveTrainer™ 2.0 learning system is here


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Dear Chessable members,

Today is an important day in the history of Chessable. MoveTrainer 2.0 is live and accessible by all by simply visiting the main site. 2.0 uses React, a newer web-technology that will allow us to follow up with releases of cool features and apps for iOS and Android.

Today is a crucial milestone because it will serve as a stepping stone to greater things.

You may notice a few things aren’t working quite as you would expect. Some things that weren’t broken before may now be presenting a few issues. We ask for your kind patience. Let us know via [email protected] and know that our team will be working flat out to get all of the issues ironed out.

Known issues:

1) Subvariations are not all browsable clickable within the MoveTrainer. Workaround: Click on the exercise, variation name or title and the new window should allow you to click/browse all subvariations without issues:

Click The Title
2) The login page is broken for some users. While we are working on a fix, several users have reported that a “hard refresh” and/or clearing of your cache solves this issue.

3) Dark Mode is not enabled on all pages. A fix for this should be live later in the week.

4) Some minor performance issues have been reported on some older tablets/phones.

We’ve created a live Trello board to show you the current things we are working to fix and the things which are next in line, you can see it here: https://trello.com/b/ZWmsREQs/movetrainer-20-issues-features

We launched MoveTrainer 2.0 today despite it not yet being perfect because we believe that often done is better than perfect. We constantly strive for perfection. You can see our high aspirations with the continuous higher standards we achieve in the quality of our course content. However, with software sometimes you have to go with what you have or risk never-ending delays.

We feel MoveTrainer 2.0, with its new features like dark mode and board resizing is 99% there, and the last 1% we will get done ASAP. We are working overtime to ensure that your experience returns to being as smooth as it was a day ago as soon as possible. Please bear with us; we’ll get there very soon.

Meanwhile, despite any setbacks, today really is a day to celebrate. I am grateful to the entire team for making 2.0 a reality and to you for helping us get there with your never-ending support. Once we iron out some of the issues, exciting times await us. Until we get there, I hope you enjoy some of the new features, here is how you can find them:

Dark Mode

This is our first skin of dark mode – our roadmap is prioritising multiple skins available for the site soon including other versions of dark mode.

Dark Mode in action

New Settings Panel

There may be a new setting or two you really appreciate (some are still experimental and may be removed!).

Our new settings panel

Re-sizeable Board

You can now size the board to whatever suits your device best. The setting is remembered specific to each device you use therefore you can find the optimal resolution for each on of your devices.

Resize your Chessable board

New content import and course management tools

It’s now easier to do certain things in course upkeep, empowering our content creators. We’ve also fully overhauled our PGN importer so that it is more stable and easier to use. Moreover, we’ve removed the PGN importer from the main server meaning that it should improve site speed and reliability.

Spoiler alert

A new awesome Fischer random course is coming soon, possible only because of features available only with MT2.

New blog

Ok, ok, not yet, but it’s coming soon. This blog theme is terrible and we have a few bugs that make posting new blog posts or working on the blog hard. We are almost done fixing those 🙂

Please stay tuned, there is a lot more on the roadmap – today is a big milestone, and the future for Chessable and learning chess brighter than ever.

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